South America Travel Blog

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I decided to spend a couple of more days in Cusco before moving on, today I want to watch the football game , and tomorrow I will visit a few sites I have not seen yet. After that I am off to Arequipa, where I will visit the ¨Cola Canyon¨ , the valley of the Condors.

Since loosing my ipod I had to find alternative reading material, first I picked up a book by Cathern George which I found at a hotel, a story called ¨Out of the storm¨, quite enjoyable and not too long. After I was done with that, I wanted to buy a new book, but it was hard to find any booksEnglishlish around here, so I bought the first Harry Potter book in Spanish, I figured it would be a good way to learn Spanish. And it´s working out rather fine, because I watched the movie I know something about the plot and the characters, which helps in understanding the Spanish, but I have not read the booEnglishglish, which means there are a lot details and plot parts that I didn´t know about, which makes it an interesting read as well. I find the book much funnieamusingmuzing than the movie.

Cusco is a lovely city, but way too touristic, peoplepoeple here are only interested in your money, but last week I met quite a few nice travelers , many ofAmericansricans , and I got a few invitations to visit the US.

hotmail has to be one of the slowest and most unreliable sites on the net, especially withinternetternet connections, that you find sometimes in the internet cafes around here, OK maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but you would definitely expect more from the biggest and richest software company in the world, why does reading some simple text emails has to take so long ? What isembarrassingessing for Microsoft is that hotmail seems to work better and faster with firefox than internet explorer. I encountered other sites as well that had more features when accessed using firefox, for example.


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