South America Travel Blog

Thursday, May 19, 2005

To the jungle

I am leaving tomorrow morning to the Manu jungle reserve, were I am going to be spending five days. I donĀ“t know if there is any internet there, but I doubt it, so there might not be any updates for a few days.

For those of you interested in visiting Colombia, the Indonesian girl I met in the Salkantay trek was in Colombia before visiting Peru, she did not encounter any violence or crime, I think if a little Indonesian girl can visit Colombia on her own, then you and I can . On the other hand the place with the worst reputation for crime among travelers is Lima in Peru.


  • Heej Wael,

    I talked to my uncle a couple of days ago and he was delighted to hear of the
    plans to visit him.
    I'll meet him again soon and will hear him out a bit :)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:28 AM  

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