South America Travel Blog

Saturday, June 25, 2005

They stole my backpack

The fact that my backpack was stolen is nothing strange in a big city in latin america, and neither the way it happend, the only surprise for me was where it happened. I was sitting in the loby of my hotel, I was going to leave that night to Cochabamba on a night bus, but there was still sometime until my bus departs, so I figured it would be safer to wait in the loby of my hotel than in the bus station with all my baggage, well was I wrong ! I was sitting reading my southameirca travel guide when four men intered the lobby, one of them started saying something in Spanish with a very agressive tone, which I did not understand, and then they all left, there was a girl standing on the stairs in the hotel, and she shouted at my "tu muchila estupido", then I realized that my backpack was gone, I ran out to the street and looked for them for a while, but there was no trace of them.

The only really valueble thing that was in my backpack was my glasses, which is propably of no value to the thiefs, and I rarely used them anyway, but they did cost me a lot to make. The otherstuff that I lost were : my dictionaries, my harry potter in Spanish, my sun screen, insect repelant, flash light, sun glasses (which I was thinking of getting new ones anyway), camera usb cable, gel, toothpaste, toothbrush and the backpack itself. Anyway I went to the police and made a declaration, which I need to make a claim to my insurance. Then I went and did some shopping and bought replacement for some of the items I lost. The only item I had trouble replacing is my camera usb cable, but the internet cafe here in Cochabambe has one, and the guy working here told me where to buy it, so hopefully I will have it today.


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