South America Travel Blog

Thursday, August 04, 2005

From Bolivia to Chile and other misc matters

It is quite a leap between Bolivia and Chile in organization, modernity and prices, here in Chile expect to pay European prices for eating out, accommodation and transport, but they actually have tourist information offices here, and they will tell you all you need to know.

I liked Bolivia even though I had some of the worst experiences of my trip there, this is because I had some of my best experiences there as well.

My family was in Sharam el Shikh Egypt last week, at the same time when the terrorist attacks took place, luckily none of them got hurt , and they even decided to stay after the attacks, I might have left on the first bus.

Podcasts replaced blogs as the latest thing in media technology, a podcast are audio content (i.e. radio shows) that you can subscribe to, podcasts might have been around for a year or two, but now apple added built in support for podcasts in itunes, so you can browse, search and subscribe to podcasts in one click. It is great way for me to upload new free material to my ipod. There are many different podcasts already available : news, sport, science, technology, music, comedy, film reviews, etc., and more being added all the time, but my favorite podcast by far is EarthCore, a novel written by Scott Sigler, and published FREE as a podcast, a very captivating thriller, and what made it more interesting for me is the timing of it, it is a story about a discovery of a very rich mine, and I found out about it just after visiting the mines of Cerro Rico, one of the richest silver deposits ever to be found.


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