South America Travel Blog

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Puerto Madryn

I did the standard tour to the peninsula Valdez, the tour consisted of making a couple of stops at two points, for watching seals and penguins, then a boat trip for whale watching. The first part of the trip I could have done without, you pay 115 (35 Euros) Pesos basically for being transported into a couple of strategic view points to see some elephant seals (huge), sea lions and penguins (cute), the fee did not include a park entrance few of 35 Pesos, nor did it include any food or drink, and the boat trip for whale watching cost an extra 60 Pesos. 115 Pesos is how much it cost me for a "Bus Cama" from Bariloche to Puerto Madryn, with three meals and drinks included, so you understand why I feel ripped off.


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