South America Travel Blog

Sunday, May 08, 2005


Good bye Ecuador, Hello Peru.

I arrived to Peru by taking a direct bus from Loja to Piura, just after crossing the border the landscape started changing quite drastically, from lush green mountains , into an empty and arid desert, which unless you haven´t seen a desert before is quite dull.

I arrived at Piura at around 4 in the afternoon, and decided to save one or two extra days of bus travel by flying to Lima, so I took a taxi directly to the airport, and went to one of the travel agencies there, luckily I was able to go on a flight to Lima the same day at 19:00 , so I went ahead and bought the ticket, which cost 80$ . I went to town for quick meal , I had a Cevishe, Perus famous dish, which was delicious. Then I returned to the airport to board my plain, only to find out that the flight was cancelled because of a mechanical problem! But luckily there was another flight from a different airline at 8:30, though I had to pay another 20$ to change my ticket, not the end of the world I though then. But only minutes after changing my ticket, an announcement was made that the flight is going to be late , and would actually leave at 12:25 in the middle of the night. Anyway four hours later not only the plane was not about to leave, I could not see any plane on the runway at all ! The plain did arrive in the end at 1:00 and took of at 1:30, six hours after my original takeoff time. Eventually we arrived at Lima at 2:30, not exactly the ideal time to go looking for a hotel. Anyway I took a taxi to the city, and settled for sleeping in an expensive mediocre hotel , because I did not have the energy to go shopping for a hotel at that time of the night.

After all the warnings I heard about how dangerous Lima is, and since I was not specially keen on seeing anything in Lima, I decided to play it safe and just not visit the city at all. I left my hotel in the morning and took a taxi directly to the bus station, then took the first bus to Ica, and from there I took the first bus to Nasca.

The landscape did not change all the way to Nasca, it seems that this arid desert landscape covers the whole coastal region of Peru.

Nasca is rather small touristic town, but quite practical as well, it has fast internet cafes, cheap good hotels, and decent places to eat. But it seems to me that the dull landscape somehow has an effect on the people as well. You don´t find here the openness and warmth of the people of the cost of Ecuador , nor the beautiful women of Loja and Cuenca. And the worst of all here are the car drivers, who have a notorious habit of honking constantly, I still don´t know why they do that exactly, I guess the taxis drivers are trying to get people attention (what do you think I am blind), but it´s not only the taxi drivers doing it , it seems to me that it is just considered very friendly around here to honk for every car and person on the street, I been in places before were honking is quite common, but here the drivers literally have one hand on the steering wheel and another hand on the horn.

Anyway since my ipod accident , I started to question the wisdom of having so much important data on one device, it is a disaster waiting to happen (In my case it is a disaster that did happen), so I decided I am going to try one of those web storage sites, I could then store my photos on a web space, which has a the double advantage of being more safe, and gives my friends and family access to all my photos.


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