South America Travel Blog

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Lake Titicaca

I returned yesterday from my two day tour to lake Titicaca, I encountered on the tour a group of American college students that are here on an student exchange program, with us were a few more Americans and an English couple.

The first day we visited the floating islands, which are build of straw like plants. There are about 40 of them, the people keep some strange birds on the islands, and on the big island they even had a pool where they grow king fish and trout. After that we headed towards the island where we were going to stay for the night. First we navigated through shallow water with straw like plants, which more resembled a swamp, then the water got deeper and deeper, and became a deep blue color. The cruise was quite pleasant, and the views around were very beautiful. When we arrived at the island, we were split into groups of 2-3 people , each was taken by a family to their home. Then we had launch, and hiked to the highest point of the island to see the sunset. At the top I encountered this English couple that I met earlier in Cuscu, apparently they were staying at another village in the island.

I had a chat with my family in the evening, and apparently the people in this village are Adventists, which seems to be some kind of Christian group, but they don´t eat pork, they don´t drinalcoholol, and their rest day is Saturday. These peoples diet is mostlvegetarianan with a bit of fish, as it is hard to keep animals on the island, which lies at about 4000 meters high.

After dinner oufamilieses gave us some traditional cloth to put on, and took us to a meeting place, were a band played Indian music, the young girl from mfamilyly then invited me to dance, and the othefamilieses did the same with their guests, the dance was a bit rough, but it did warm us up. It gets very cold there at night, and apparently this is one of the purposes of the dancing.

The next day in the morning we went to visit the second Island, where apparently thpeoplele have some kind of cooperative economy, were they pool their income together, and distribute iequallyly. Though apparently not everybody takes part of it, and somfamilieses prefer to have their privatbusinessss.

Before heading back to Puno, me and couple of guys jumped in the water for short dip, which was one of coldest baths I ever had, the watetemperaturere is around 12 there. After that we headed back to Puno, the trip takes 3 hours, during the way I taught my new friends how to play Shithead, and we ended up playing it during the whole trip back to Puno. The group then invited me to have dinner with them, I joined them in the restaurant later, but they had to leave at 9 though to head back to Cusco, were they are studying.


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