South America Travel Blog

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Arrived to Puno today by bus from Arequipa, it seems I am starting to get used to these bus, as I am not getting sick anymore. The first thing I encountered after finding a hostel to stay, was a school parade, which was very impressive. Each class had it´s own diffrenet custume, and it´s distinct dance. The custumes were very elaborate and varied, circus custumes, japanese farmers, clowns, bears, kind of arabic custumes, and many more. The girls in the custumes marched while dancing lively, accompanied by boy bands playing musical instruments and drums. You can see that a lot effort has been put into creating the custumes and practicing the dancing and the music. The march went through the streets of the city, where a lot of people stood on the side watching, the parade then reached the center square , or "Plaza de Armas" as they like to call it here, then each group had a few mintues to do it´s preformance in front of the large crowd that was waiting in the Plaza, they were very lovely performances.

I quite like this town, I am happy that the traffic here is less, and the drivers are not as agressive as in Arequipa, further more the main street is closed for traffic, and it is nice to walk through. I also got harrased much less by people trying to sell me things in the street, and generaly the people here seem more genuine and friendly.

My plan was to got to Bolivia after this, but that seems unlikely at the moment, there is huge trouble now in La Paz, and it is only getting worste. I might just go to Cobacabana, to see lake Titicaca from the Bolivian side, and then retrace back and go to north of Chile. But even that is not so straight forward, as the buses here will not go all the way to Copacaban any more, they drop people over at the border, and I would have to make my way to Copacabana by fury, whats more I don´t know how much these troubles are effecting Copacabana. Hopefully things will calm down later, and I can enter Peru from the south, though the north of Argentina.


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