South America Travel Blog

Sunday, June 05, 2005


I was planning to head to Copacaban in Bolivia , together with the English couple I met earlier. But due to the trouble in Bolivia, the tourist buses no longer leave to Copacabana from Puno. I can get to the border using local mini busses, but after that there is no certainty that I will be able to get to Copacabana, the owner of my hotel told me that a couple that went yesterday came back because they could not reach Copacabana. I am currently waiting for the English couple to show up, as we planned to go to Copacaban together, they were supposed to meet me in the morning but they did not show up. But I am probably going to change my plans and go to the north of Chile instead. The problem is that I am awaiting to receive my fixed ipod at the post office here in Puno, but it still has not arrived yet, so I might head to Cusco to meet up with the American student group again, as they are staying there until the end of the week. Then I will come back to Puno, and hopefully my ipod would have arrived, maybe even the trouble would have ended in Bolivia and I can go there .


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