South America Travel Blog

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Mendoza Argentina

It is very cold around here, I just came to do some skiing, and then I am heading north to Brazil where it is nice and warm. Tomorrow I am going to the Las Leñas ski resort, which is considered the best in Argentina, although with only 60km of ski tracks, it is rather small compared with some of the European resorts I have been to, and I think five days would be enough time to try all the tracks.

The Insurance paid for my glasses, which was the must expensive item stolen, I have just sent them receipts for the replacements of the other items, hopefully they will pay for those as well.

Food around here is great, and not that expensive, and the wines are quite good as well, I tried the a Malbec wine yesterday apparently it is a local type of wine (they don´t have merlot here ), which quite liked.


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