South America Travel Blog

Monday, June 13, 2005


Since things were cooling down in Bolivia, I thought why waste anymore time, and decided to head to Copacabana. I took a bus to Puno on Sunday morning, and from there I grabbed the first bus to the border with Bolivia, I got there only to find out that there is no transportation to Copacabana. I talked to a tourist that was coming back from Copacabana, and she told me there is still a blockade, and she had to walk the 8 kilometer distance from Copacabana to the border, which took her 4 hours to do (reasonable time carrying a heavy pack back at an altitude of 4000 meters) , anyway I decided to head back to Puno, the ride back was no joy, two hours in a crammed bus, sometimes it is a blessing not having a sensitive sense of smell. Anyway I am going to try again on Tuesday after I pick up my ipod, I will try to get a flight to La Paz, if there are not flights I will try the bus again.


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