South America Travel Blog

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Copacabana, Isla del Sol and my birthday

I decided to go for a birthday "vacation" to Copacabana, I was expecting a very relaxed couple of days, but I already of felt that this was not going to be my most lucky day when I was stopped at a police check point on the way to Copacabana, it turned out that I only had a visa for 30 days, and I already spent 45 days in Bolivia, so I had to pay a fine of 10 Bol. Per day, and while I was solving the problem with the police the bus almost left with my bags, as we were tired of waiting for me.

Anyway I made to Copacabana and took a boat to the Isla del Sol, and located a nice hotel (Sol Imperial) to stay, the lady working there asked me to pay in advanced saying that she had too many trouble with Israelis, since I am aware of the reputation of Israelis abroad, I did not suspect much and paid the 20$ in advance after checking the room, there was no water in the shower, but the lady said she just needed to open a tap somewhere. But when I tried to take a shower but there was still no shower, the lady promised to fix the issue, but after waiting a while there was still no water . I decided to be cool about the whole affair, since I promised my companion Mauche that I will control my temper, and try take it easy during the vacation. But when I went to complain again to the lady, she was quite rude to me telling me that Israelis are always trouble, Mauge did not like that and decided that we should look for another place.

Anyway the lady refused to give us our money back and allow us to leave, and we refused to return the key without getting our many back, she insisted on us waiting until her husband comes back , things got heated up and I tried to force my way to the office, only for the lady to attack me, and then tried to steal one of our bags, we decided to get the police. Mauge was to stay there and I was to try and get the police , but exactly at that moment the husband showed up, the lady shouted something to him in Aymara and he attacked me and grabbed one of my bags, but I managed to retrieve the bag, and hand it over to Mauge, but the man took advantage of the moment and attacked me from behind, I fell on the ground and my sun glasses fell down, this was a new pair of expensive sun glasses that I just bought, loosing them would have been unpleasant, leaving them to those people was something I was not going to let happen. So I picked up the glasses and handed them to Mauge, and told her to leave with our stuff, mean while the man was grabbing me and hitting me from behind, I bit his hand to release my self, and managed to stand up, he tried to grab another time, I struggled with him overpowered him and threw him to the ground, he fell on the stairs of the front gate, he had an overwhelmed look on his face when I passed by him going out, I give him an intimidating look while leaving , so he would not think of trying to get up again.

There was no police on the Island so we decided to go back immediately to Copacabana, but the last normal boat had already left the Island, and we had to hire a private boat, we arrived back at Copacabana, but not without another deal which left a bad taste in our mouths, the boat driver decided to change the price after we arrived, and demanded 200 Bol. Instead of the 180 we agreed on back on the Island, after a short argument the guy insisted on keeping lying, so I just paid him 180 and walked away, he seemed to accept that he was not going to successfully bully me for another 20 Bol. , I was relieved since one fight a day was enough for me.

This the first fight that I got into in 15 years, since I was in high school, I ended up with a bruise on my forehead, a pain in my shoulder, and a couple scratches in my hand and knee. We went straight to the police and filed a report just in case, as I do not think the police is going to do anything about it. We managed to escape with all our stuff, but I lost 20$ I paid for the room .

Anyway I quite enjoyed the rest of my birthday vacation, as Copacabana is a very a beautiful and relaxed little town, with some nice restaurants, and amazing views on lake Titicaca. If you decide to visit Isla del Sol, I seriously recommend not staying at Hotel Sol Imperial, and generally take great care while doing any dealings with the people of the Island.


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