South America Travel Blog

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A couple of miners pushing a trolley with row minerals, probably weighing between 500 to 1000 KG, most of the work there is still manual, although some of the big groups have introduced machines. In 1952 the Bolivia nationalized it`s mining industry, and many of the miners today work for themselves, they are organized into cooperative groups, ranging in size from tens of miners, to smaller groups of a few miners, and there are miners who prefer to work on there own. The working conditions are bad very for their health, the most common health problem is lounge sickness, so what drives these people to keep working in these mines. The biggest reason is lack of other jobs, the second reason is that it is actually a well paying job for Bolivian standards, and there is always the chance of finding a rich deposit of metal that will make one rich. Some miners work in the mines because of tradition, as there father and grandfather did before them.


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