South America Travel Blog

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Santa Catarina Island

I am staying at Borra Lagoa, which is a surfing hot spot, the beach is very beautiful and the place is very chilled out. The problem is that the weather has been mostly awful, cloudy , rain and wind, the last two days though it has been improving, but it could take a turn to the worst minute. Though it seems this weather is hitting the whole south of Brazil and there is no where better to go at the moment, except maybe the north of Brazil, but it is too far north.

I tried to do some surfing yesterday , but I gave up after ten minutes, the combination of the hang over, the cold water and the strong waves got the best of me. I might try again tomorrow, maybe take a lesson or two.

I am staying at the backpackers hostel here, there are people from all around the world there, Ireland, Israel, France, Australia and New Zealand, and the atmosphere is quite relaxed and friendly, and it is hard to recognize the people working there from the people staying there.


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