South America Travel Blog

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

La Paz

Finally made it to La Paz yesterday, there is little signs of the trouble that plagued this city last week. The only incident I saw, was when walking out of one of the many markets in this city, I saw some protestors surrounding a building, which was protected by the riot police, the number of police men outnumbered the number of protestors, anyway I moved away from the place. Strangely my first impression of La Paz is that it is rather quite place (for a capital with more than 1 million inhabitants).

Tonight I am going with Lisa and Rodri, an English couple I met in Peru, to watch a football game between two local teams from La Paz. Tomorrow I am going to do some mountain biking, going down "The world most dangerous road", a 64km stretch of road mostly going down hill.

I got my ipod , it works fine again, and all my music is still there, thanks to "ipod mods", the company that fixed it for me, .

I donĀ“t know if you heard the news, but a powerfull earth quake hit the north of Chile a couple of days ago, causing a lot of devastation and killing 11 people. If my ipod had arrived a few days earlier, that is where I would have been at the time of the earthquake, so I guess I am glad that it so long, and I am glad that things calmed down in Bolivia, both influencing my decision to go to Bolivia instead of the north of Chile.


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