South America Travel Blog

Friday, September 23, 2005

Barra de Lagoa Santa Catarina Island

The weather has improved, and we had three sunny days. I took advantage of the good weather to do some trekking and surfing.

I am staying at the backpackers sharehouse in Barra de Lagoa, a place run by a Brazilian brother and sister, a very chilled out place where it is not uncommon to find someone smoking something. Often activities are organized by the hostel, a few days ago we went on a trek up the hills surrounding the town, and then down to a beautiful beach , which you see in the picture above. In the night a spontaneous party erupted, and lasted till the early hours of the morning, during which many bottles of CashaƧa and cans of beer were devoured, and everybody was wasted in the end. The next day everybody was seriously hang over and just took it easy the whole day.

Sometimes this cozy atmosphere goes too far I guess, apparentlyy the night before I arrived, the girl part of the Brazilian pair running the place, decided to drive ten of the tenants to a party in her jeep, she had an accident on the way and the car flipped over (it might had to do with the fact that she had a few too many beers before that), luckily though almost everybody came out unhurt, the only serious case was one guy from New Zealand had a blood buildup in his leg, and have to stay in the hospital for two weeks.Fortunately the lady escaped an alcohol test from the police, probably due to her emotional state after the accident, she was feeling quite bad about the whole matter and was very apologetic for here part in the incident.


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