South America Travel Blog

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Great weather and beautiful waters

The weather was great on the day I arrived to the park, and I took the opportunity to take many pictures. The pictures above I took while I was on a boat, crossing one of the lakes of the park taking me to the starting point of my trek. I was told the lakes where formed from the melting ice of glaciers and that the minerals in that ice is what gives them their beautiful torquoise color. All water in the park lakes, rivers and streams is safe for drinking, and it is one of the best tasting water I ever drank, and to keep that way, all park visitors are supposed to follow a set of regulations concerning water usage.


  • Did you enjoy Chile???, Next time try with ''San Pedro de atacama''. On the middle of the Chilean desert, the biggest arid desert on the world.
    Greetengs from Antofagasta, Chile

    By Blogger Irarrazabal, at 9:43 AM  

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