South America Travel Blog

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Changing weather

In the third day the weater started to change, and it got cloudy with a few drops of rain here and there, and in the night fierce winds started blowing over the camp site, I though my tent was going to be blown away at any moment, and I did not sleep well that night. The good thing is that it was a serivced camp site, so I could do my cooking and eating indoor, and take a good hot shower. The fierce winds continued the next day, which was was a very moody day, as it was sunny and raining at the same time, so I was taking of my wind breaker on and off all the time, as I was either getting too cold or too hot.


  • Nice pictures, I like somewhere over the rainbows..

    Kind regards,


    By Blogger DA, at 10:33 AM  

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