South America Travel Blog

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Towers

The towers is what this park is famous for and wher it gets its name, but I think that does not do justice to the other parts of the park, and I think to fully apreciate this park one should at least do the W trek, there are even longer treks like the big circuit which takes atleast eight days to complete.

Anyway I woke up on the last day after a cold night, and I was ready to go up to the view points to see the towers. I strated to climb the path, but at some point I lost the markers, I had a good view of the mountain, and looked around to see where the other poeple are walking, but unfortunetly I could see no one walking up, so I just pressed on, but the more I walked the more I realized this was not the correct trail, but I am stubborn guy, I refused to retrace and said to myself : Propably the proper trail is not far away, and when I get to the top I will see everybody there, I climbed some sandy slopes and then through thick forest, and finally made it to the top, where I found no one. So that was the wrong top, but it still offered a great view of the towers, it was not competely clear, but the towres where visible. It was tricky taking a picture of myself with the towers in the background, beacuse the wind was blowing very strong. After that I started heading down, which I did quite fast, since I could run down the sandy slopes. After making it down the weather got worste and the towers get shrouded by clouds, so I was lucky to get a clear view of them before the weather changed.


  • Your pictures are getting more stunning all the time. Keep 'em coming ;) !


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:39 AM  

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