South America Travel Blog

Friday, September 23, 2005

Good bye Brazil, Buenos Aires here I come

I am heading to Buenos Aires tomorrow morning, a 25 hour bus trip from here, which is going to be a new record for me.

I think Brazil´s number oneatractionn is it´s beaches, and so that is where I spent most of my time. The beaches of Rio, Ilha Grande and Santa Catarina were all nice, but mfavoritete has to be Ilha Grande.

When it comes to organization Brazil is a mixed bag, while I was impressed by their metro systems in Rio and São Paulo, I was not so impressed by their airport. I took a flight from São Paulo to Rio, on my boarding pass it said that the plane was to be boarded at gate 19, on the other hand the monitors in the airport indicated gate 21, the plane actually left from gate 23!


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